时间Time Apr8, period 2 Friday
班级Class A
题目AP language and composition
教学目标和要求 teaching objectives Hemingway, A Very Short Story; Edward Hopper; the principal of omission as a tool of communication mid-twentieth century
重点难点Difficulty and key point Students need to be guided to perceive and understand the relationship between Hemingway and Hopper. Put up sample answers for them to fill out on their questionnaires.
- Rearrange desks so we’re facing inwards
- Put up power point of ‘Iceberg Theory’ of Ernest Hemingway’s writing; students alternate in read/answering questions about missing words/images and what the omissions in fact communicate:
- Monica; Iceberg; read and explain
- Durant; Iceberg, omission quote read and explain
- William; Chicago coffee shop Hopper painting: What is the mood of the painting, the background? How is the unending quality of hopeless life communicated in the image
- Malkuth- quote from story ‘other people keeping them together’
- Trasita- ‘unexpectedly….’ How is the plight of the young nurse in Italy communicate?
- Tanner- Night Owls/ who do we not see? What is the mood of the diner inhabitants;
- Harry- Morning Sun image/ How does the light contrast with the mood of the woman in the picture
- How does communication by omission heighten awareness of the issue? Causing the reader or viewer to mentally create an image to fill in the the missing image, words or story.
作业任务 assignments Hand out questionnaire from “A Very Short Story” and Edward Hopper images; looking for omissions in both